Package: fpc 2.2-13

fpc: Flexible Procedures for Clustering

Various methods for clustering and cluster validation. Fixed point clustering. Linear regression clustering. Clustering by merging Gaussian mixture components. Symmetric and asymmetric discriminant projections for visualisation of the separation of groupings. Cluster validation statistics for distance based clustering including corrected Rand index. Standardisation of cluster validation statistics by random clusterings and comparison between many clustering methods and numbers of clusters based on this. Cluster-wise cluster stability assessment. Methods for estimation of the number of clusters: Calinski-Harabasz, Tibshirani and Walther's prediction strength, Fang and Wang's bootstrap stability. Gaussian/multinomial mixture fitting for mixed continuous/categorical variables. Variable-wise statistics for cluster interpretation. DBSCAN clustering. Interface functions for many clustering methods implemented in R, including estimating the number of clusters with kmeans, pam and clara. Modality diagnosis for Gaussian mixtures. For an overview see package?fpc.

Authors:Christian Hennig [aut, cre]

fpc.pdf |fpc.html
fpc/json (API)

# Install 'fpc' in R:
install.packages('fpc', repos = c('', ''))

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9.20 score 11 stars 70 packages 2.5k scripts 14k downloads 99 mentions 138 exports 13 dependencies

Last updated 4 months agofrom:ed319818bd. Checks:7 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 23 2025
R-4.5-winOKJan 23 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKJan 23 2025
R-4.4-winOKJan 23 2025
R-4.4-macOKJan 23 2025
R-4.3-winOKJan 23 2025
R-4.3-macOKJan 23 2025



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fpc package overviewfpc-package
Asymmetric discriminant coordinatesadcoord
Asymmetric neighborhood based discriminant coordinatesancoord
Asymmetric weighted discriminant coordinatesawcoord
Bhattacharyya discriminant projectionbatcoord batvarcoord
Bhattacharyya distance between Gaussian distributionsbhattacharyya.dist
Matrix of pairwise Bhattacharyya distancesbhattacharyya.matrix
Calinski-Harabasz indexcalinhara
Generation of the tuning constant for regression fixed point clusterscan
Recode nominal variables to binary variablescat2bin
CDbw-index for cluster validationcdbw
Standardise cluster validation statistics by random clustering resultscgrestandard
Classification of unclustered pointsclassifdist classifnp
Sets of colours and symbols for cluster plottingclucols clugrey clusym
Jaccard similarity between logical vectorsclujaccard
Expected value of the number of times a fixed point cluster is foundclusexpect
Compute and format cluster validation statisticsclustatsum
Run many clustering methods on many numbers of clusterscluster.magazine
Cluster validation statisticscluster.stats
Variablewise statistics for clusterscluster.varstats print.varwisetables
Run and validate many clusteringsclusterbenchstats print.clusterbenchstats
Clusterwise cluster stability assessment by resamplingclusterboot plot.clboot print.clboot
Generation of tuning constant for Mahalanobis fixed point clusters.cmahal
Connectivity components of an undirected graphcon.comp
Misclassification probabilities in mixturesconfusion
Weighted Covariance Matrices (Maximum Likelihood)cov.wml
Cluster validation statistics (version for use with clusterbenchstatscqcluster.stats print.summary.cquality summary.cquality
Cluster validation based on nearest neighbourscvnn
Weight function for AWCcweight
DBSCAN density reachability and connectivity clusteringdbscan plot.dbscan predict.dbscan print.dbscan
Simulates p-value for dip testdipp.tantrum
Diptest for discriminant coordinate projectiondiptest.multi
Discriminant coordinates/canonical variatesdiscrcoord
Recodes mixed variables datasetdiscrete.recode
Linear dimension reduction for classificationdiscrproj
Factor for dissimilarity of mixed type datadistancefactor
Distance based validity criteria for large data setsdistcritmulti
Similarity of within-cluster distributions to normal and uniformdistrsimilarity
Density along the ridgelinedridgeline
Duda-Hart test for splittingdudahart2
Extract parameters for certain components from mclustextract.mixturepars
Finding representatives for cluster borderfindrep
Mahalanobis Fixed Point Clustersfixmahal fpclusters.mfpc fpmi plot.mfpc print.mfpc print.summary.mfpc summary.mfpc
Linear Regression Fixed Point Clustersfixreg fpclusters.rfpc plot.rfpc print.rfpc print.summary.rfpc rfpi summary.rfpc
Fitting mixed Gaussian/multinomial mixtures with flexmixflexmixedruns
Extracting clusters from fixed point cluster objectsfpclusters
Number of regression fixed point cluster iterationsitnumber
Jitter variables in a data matrixjittervar
Interface functions for clustering methodsclaraCBI dbscanCBI disthclustCBI disthclusttreeCBI distnoisemclustCBI emskewCBI hclustCBI hclusttreeCBI kmeansCBI mahalCBI mergenormCBI noisemclustCBI pamkCBI pdfclustCBI speccCBI stupidkavenCBI stupidkcentroidsCBI stupidkfnCBI stupidknnCBI tclustCBI
k-means with estimating k and initialisationskmeansruns
flexmix method for mixed Gaussian/multinomial mixtureslcmixed
Local shape matrixlocalshape
Mahalanobis for AWCmahalanodisc
Mahalanobis distances from center of indexed pointsmahalanofix mahalanofuz
Mahalanobis fixed point clusters initial configurationmahalconf
Clustering by merging Gaussian mixture componentsmergenormals print.summary.mergenorm summary.mergenorm
New parameters from merging two Gaussian mixture componentsmergeparameters
Minimum size of regression fixed point clusterminsize
Density of multivariate Gaussian mixture, mclust parameterisationmixdens
Prediction strength of merged Gaussian mixturemixpredictive
Mean/variance differences discriminant coordinatesmvdcoord
Neighborhood based discriminant coordinatesncoord
Neg-entropy normality index for cluster validationneginc
Selection of the number of clusters via bootstrapnselectboot
Partitioning around medoids with estimation of number of clusterspamk
Ridgeline Pi-functionpiridge
Extrema of two-component Gaussian mixturepiridge.zeroes
Simulation-standardised plot and print of cluster validation statisticsplot.valstat print.valstat
Discriminant projection plot.plotcluster
Prediction strength for estimating number of clustersprediction.strength print.predstr
Random partition matrixrandcmatrix
Generate a sample indicator vectorrandconf
Simulation of validity indexes based on random clusteringsrandomclustersim
Mixture Model ML for Clusterwise Linear Regressionregem regmix
"Face-shaped" clustered benchmark datasetsrFace
Ridgeline computationridgeline
Ridgeline plots, ratios and unimodalityridgeline.diagnosis
Extracting intersections between clusters from fpc-objectsimmatrix
Inversion of (possibly singular) symmetric matricessolvecov
Position in a similarity vectorsseg
Stupid average dissimilarity random clusteringstupidkaven
Stupid k-centroids random clusteringstupidkcentroids
Stupid farthest neighbour random clusteringstupidkfn
Stupid nearest neighbour random clusteringstupidknn
Root of singularity-corrected eigenvalue decompositiontdecomp
Tone perception datatonedata
Is a fitted denisity unimodal or not?unimodal.ind
Cluster validation statistics - objectvalstat.object
Ordered posterior plotsweightplots
Weight function (for Mahalabobis distances)wfu
Partition crosstable with empty clustersxtable
Matrix of misclassification probabilities between mixture componentszmisclassification.matrix