prabclus - Functions for Clustering and Testing of Presence-Absence, Abundance and Multilocus Genetic Data
Distance-based parametric bootstrap tests for clustering with spatial neighborhood information. Some distance measures, Clustering of presence-absence, abundance and multilocus genetic data for species delimitation, nearest neighbor based noise detection. Genetic distances between communities. Tests whether various distance-based regressions are equal. Try package?prabclus for on overview.
Last updated 6 months ago
5.99 score 1 stars 71 dependents 90 scripts 13k downloadssmoothmest - Smoothed M-Estimators for 1-Dimensional Location
Some M-estimators for 1-dimensional location (Bisquare, ML for the Cauchy distribution, and the estimators from application of the smoothing principle introduced in Hampel, Hennig and Ronchetti (2011) to the above, the Huber M-estimator, and the median, main function is smoothm), and Pitman estimator.
Last updated 3 years ago
2.70 score 3 dependents 56 scripts 465 downloads